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God is in Control - William

Updated: Aug 14, 2019

Last month, I’ve travelled to New Zealand on an 18-day solo trip.

Despite being a seasoned solo traveller, I consciously kept my whereabouts accountable to my Lifegroup.

For this road trip, I decided to rent a car despite having little driving experience.

I reassured myself that nothing could go wrong but unfortunately things took to take a terrible turn.

On the 8th day, I met with a horrifying car accident.

I recalled my car skidded uncontrollably and began tumbling downslope.

Just when I thought the worse, I realised water was seeping into the car! The car had stopped in the middle of a river and it was slowly drifted backwards by the strong currents. Instinctively, I escaped through a broken window.

Being a non-swimmer, I was certain that I’d die if I had slipped and fell as the strong currents were at waist level. My body temperature were also dropping by the minute as I had been standing in the cold water for a period of time. Thoughts of death became very real.

As I took my first step to cross the fearsome river with my tripod, I lose balance and swept away by the currents, and was fully submerged. I recalled praying desperately to God to save me. And in that brief moment, I caught my breath! The current carried to the side of the river, 100-200m away from my wrenched car.

After many hours of fighting for survival, I finally sough refuge from a kind-hearted family. Soon the paramedics, police and ambulance came.

This incident was nothing short of miracles. Had it not been God's hands and intervention, I don't know what else this could be. And throughout this ordeal, I sustained only minor cuts, bruises and a minor fracture on my right index finger.

During the remaining days in New Zealand, I continued to experience God’s peace and providence for me.

I coincidentally met an elderly Singapore couple by a café where they offered me NZ$150 so that I could get food and make my way to Singapore High Commission in Wellington.

Secondly, a staff at Singapore High Commission went beyond his responsibilities to take care of my needs. He volunteered to drive me to a photo studio on a Sunday, to get my documents ready as I had lost all my belongings and cash in the accident.

Upon meeting him, I realised he wasn’t any junior officer. Instead, he was a Deputy High Commissioner! I was extremely touched by his humility and kindness towards me.

Through this ordeal, I truly understand that God indeed has a plan and purpose for my life. Our Father is definitely in control no matter how dire our situation seems.
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