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Celebrating 10 years of Ladies Ministry

A reflection by Melissa Lim

Celebrating 10 Years Ladies Ministry

This year we celebrated a milestone - 10 years of ladies ministry.

The transitions of life - especially when entering university or the working world, can be a period where churches lose their young people to the world. But God had other plans to win back these young people for Himself.

Over the last ten years, we saw the Father’s heart revealed in a fresh and tangible way that our generation could understand. In a fatherless generation where orphan mindsets were driving us to destruction, the Father was pouring out His love in great measure, restoring identity, healing broken hearts and making us whole from the inside. What the enemy meant for evil, God turned it around for good. He was mending daughters for Himself to advance His Kingdom in these last days, because when she walks in her identity as a child of God, she will learn to walk in authority.

Reflection on Ladies Ministry by Melissa Lim

Unbeknownst to me, God was also revealing His Father’s heart in every corner of this earth during that period, and I am glad we heard His call.

Today we still see the fruits of this ministry. Many of us are strong in the faith and thriving. A number of ladies from our first few years of ministry became leaders in church. The church was strengthened from the inside... the impact of this ministry was way more than we could ever imagine.

It brings to mind the parable of the seed, where Jesus says the seed that falls on good ground will yield a crop, thirty, sixty or hundred fold. I am glad our church was obedient to the call. I am grateful for our Lead Pastor, Pastor Daniel Cheo, who was constantly supporting this ministry behind the scenes, enabling us to do God’s work among the ladies.

Contrary to popular belief, I never felt called to do this. I was just a girl whom Jesus met in her brokenness, and I wanted everybody around me to encounter this same great love.

Sometimes we have this idea that in order to do the work of God, we need to be ‘called’ or have a ‘vision’ or ‘word’ for it. What I found is that God delights in obedience. Anything He places in our hands, we are called to steward it faithfully in obedience to Him. And the amazing thing is that because it is not ‘my’ dream, God is free to do His thing without my human limitations. I call this the ‘loose-hands’ approach - don’t hold on to your ministry too tightly and control how it may grow, but hold it tightly enough to be faithful and yield to the Spirit always. It will grow organically His way.

Reflection on Ladies Ministry by Melissa Lim

With that, I am grateful to God for all that He has done. If you have also been impacted by this ministry, please share it with others so they can also be encouraged. Once again, happy 10 year anniversary to us!

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