I grew up in a Christian family and have been going to church since young. Though, I listened to bible stories and memorised bible verses, God was always a distant figure to me.
I love playing soccer and have been in this sport since I was nine years old. When I was 12, I started playing for the national soccer team.
But I was so preoccupied with it that I did not study for my PSLE. Naturally, I did badly and did not get into any secondary school.
But by God’s grace, I managed to enter my school’s Normal Technical stream through the direct school admission ("DSA") with soccer. I worked hard in school and in Secondary 2, I was promoted to the Normal Academic stream. However, I did not fit in well in the new environment and constantly felt inadequate.
Yet I remember in those moments,
God reassured me and told me,
"don't give up, I know you can do this".
Last year my childhood friend, Turin, invited me to Impact Life Church. I only agreed because she was so persistent. The moment I stepped foot into Impact Life Church, I felt welcomed immediately. It was so different from what I thought Church would be! I expected to see wooden chairs, a classical piano and a choir. But I was so surprised to see a band with electric keyboards, guitars, and even drums.
It was a little awkward initially but as I started singing, I felt a burden lifted off my shoulders and I experienced a sense of peace.
I then heard God’s voice saying clearly,
"Welcome back, my child".
This was when I realised this was my home.
I continued to attend Youth Impact every Saturday and I never failed to hear from God each week. But while I was happy to be back home, it was not all smooth sailing.
I had difficulties adjusting and making time for church, school, and training. In that period, I was also selected to play for the National Team. This meant training five times a week. Sometimes even twice a day. This stopped me from going for discipleship and Lifegroup. I was also constantly tired and could not focus in school.
I also came to realise that community is important and my walk with God is something I can not do alone. God created us to live in a community of believers, and that meant investing quality time with my Lifegroup.
I decided to speak to my coach about my schedule as I wanted to attend Lifegroup on Fridays. Miraculously, my coach agreed to let me stay on the team and skip Fridays training! When I attended Lifegroup for the first time, I was shocked to see how everyone did life together.
Despite coming from so many different backgrounds,
they were all tied together by wanting to be more like Jesus.

Everyone was genuine and transparent with their thoughts. It encouraged me to do the same. Over time, I started seeing them as my family. As I shared my struggles, my Lifegroup helped me realise that the condemning thoughts I carried for years were not from God. Condemnation did not define me.
My Lifegroup is always encouraging me and supporting me at matches. No matter what the results were, they are always proud of me.
Through them, I found love and support that was unconditional.

Additionally, I wanted to take the next step by serving in Church and do my part in building His Kingdom. So, I joined the Usher Ministry to interact and connect with people. As an usher, I help people feel at home, the same way that God used others to help me realise that this is my home too.
I always look forward to serving because I find it so amazing that God can use me, an imperfect person, to impact others!
In addition, my school soccer team was crowned champions during this year’s National school games. I also received a National sports award for football.
God also rewarded me academically. I received the star pupil award for being a role model in school. This is someone who could not even enter a secondary school to begin with! I only have God to thank for these awards.
As I chose to follow Him and put Him at the centre, everything else fell into place.
Many ask me how I manage to cope with my studies, soccer, and church commitments. All I can say is that none of this would be possible without God.
Even with all my responsibilities,
I can rest assured knowing that my life is in God’s good hands,
and I trust Him to guide me along.

I am going to take my 'O' levels examination in two weeks time and I feel very much at peace. The old Dorcas would have been worried sick! This time, I know God is in control. I only have to do my best and He will take care of the rest. Whatever the results, He already has a perfect plan for my life.